Folding Instructions for Simplex Truffle Box
This little structure represents BRP Box Shop's first pure peregrination into candyland. We have been working on making candy boxes available to you for a long time. This box bears the fruit of our candy-loving efforts as box makers. Early interest has been terrific and we hope you like it!
Normally, the first step to erecting a square and proper box, is pre-breaking the paperboard on the scores. Such is the case for this candy bottom base but with a noteworthy exception. Do you see the panels with the glued side walls? Only fold those to a maximum of 90 degrees.
For the other panels, it is no problem to fold those flaps over, all of the way - 180 degrees. Over folding the glued walls, however, could stress the paper to its breaking point, cracking the printed surface along the bottom edge.
If you look at the corners of your unfolded box blank, you'll see the box's gussets. This particular piece of box anatomy has an angled line of perforated paperboard to make folding it in half as easy as possible.
The gussets in the corners of the box fold in as the end panel and sides are folded up.
Once the outer panels are square, the gussets are folded in half along the perforated angle. Hold the folded gussets against the inside of the end panel before performing the next step.
You can see how the extended tabs on the gussets provide structural support for the crease on the end panel once it is folded over. Not only does this help in making the finished box true and plumb and square, it also reinforces the top edge of the box to make it stronger.
The trickiest part of the assembly is keeping the gussets tight enough against that inside wall to allow for the end panel to swing down and lock into place.
Swinging the end panel to the inside of the truffle box base is where pre-breaking the folds really pays off. The gusset tabs should snuggle right under the crease of that score under the apex of the wall.
Tilt the panel all the way down into the box so the two pieces of parallel paperboard kiss and the foot at the bottom of the box finds home behind the fixed feet of the glued side panels.
It is important to make sure the L-shape of the structure gets pushed far enough into the corner to allow for a positive lock. This keeps your freshly pushed panel in place.
Finishing the final wall is easy. Get those gussets folded snug and simply swing that last panel like closing an old-timey garage door.
These candy box bases are sold separately from the lids. You can mix or match colors for your tops and bottoms. When you finally join your selected lid to your poised little base, make sure you line up the front of the lid with the front of the base.
The best way to line up the lid and base is to observe the the pleats on the corners of each. Match the orientation of the lid to the base and you've got yourself a fine looking treasure chest fit for stowing and showing sweets.